Friday, January 25, 2008

McCain Is An Angry Popeye;
Paul A Cool Spaceman Spiff


Editor's Note: The Mainstream Media may try to portray Ron Paul as a space cadet but for those of us who are tired of war and as MSNBC's Tim Russert put it: "its cost in blood and treasure", Ron Paul is our Spaceman Spiff. Shout out to Calvin and Hobbes.

Paul Stumps McCain On
Presidential Economics Team

Editor's Note: That's just sad, Senator. How do you expect to help us avoid a collapse of the American dollar and a likely 21st century economic depression?

Tom McClintock Leans To Ron Paul

With Fred Thompson out of the presidential race, who's a self-respecting conservative to go for? Could it be, maybe, perhaps, a certain Republican-libertarian from Texas?

That's one question perplexing California state Sen. Tom McClintock, possibly the second-most-famous California Republican currently in office after Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Source: LA Times

Editor's Note: Every day that Ron Paul stays in the GOP race his numbers and support will keep increasing. John McCain will see his front-runner status diminish somewhat as Mitt Romney moves throws his self-funded campaign into high gear.

McCain Aide Arranged Meeting
With Alleged Russian Mafia Figure

A top political adviser in Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign helped arrange an introduction in 2006 between McCain and a Russian billionaire whose suspected links to anti-democratic and organized-crime figures are so controversial that the U.S. government revoked his visa.
Source: Washington Post

Source: Hey it's just the "Straight Talk Express" meeting with yet another shady character.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ron Paul Owns John McCain on Iraq War

Editor's Note: John McCain said in the Jan. 24th debate that he would always put his country before his party. Ironically, McCain was talking more about his conservative opponent Ron Paul than he was about himself.

McCain Cites Abramoff in Debate;
Silent On Keating Five Scandal

Charles Keating was convicted of racketeering and fraud in both state and federal court after his Lincoln Savings & Loan collapsed, costing the taxpayers $3.4 billion. His convictions were overturned on technicalities.

Though he was not convicted of anything, McCain intervened on behalf of Charles Keating after Keating gave McCain at least $112,000 in contributions. In the mid-1980s, McCain made at least 9 trips on Keating's airplanes, and 3 of those were to Keating's luxurious retreat in the Bahamas. McCain's wife and father-in-law also were the largest investors (at $350,000) in a Keating shopping center; the Phoenix New Times called it a "sweetheart deal."

The House Banking Committee criticized John McCain among others for "questionable conduct."
Source: Wikipedia on "Keating Five"

Editor's Note: So let me get this right. McCain passes one of the biggest failures in Campaign Finance Reform called the "McCain-Feingold Act" which hampers free speech of groups like the NRA and the ACLU, but he himself made a special favor for a rich man that put campaign money in his own pocket? Were you paying attention, Arizona?

Tasteless McCain Called Chelsea Ugly;
Child of Lesbian Reno

During the Clinton Presidency, the Washington Post noted an apology from John McCain about his following joke:

"Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?
Because her father is Janet Reno."

Regardless of opinions on personal lifestyles, U.S. Senator McCain apparently found it funny to mock lesbianism and a young woman's physical looks, especially in front of a Republican crowd. This is the same man that claims to champion pro-family values.

McCain's tasteless joke was reported in major newspapers, so was the vain attempt by his press secretary to initially deny that McCain had done anything wrong. Several major newspapers, kept the joke itself a secret. When McCain subsequently apologized to President Clinton, the Washington Post, noted the apology but said the joke "was too vicious to print."

When Maureen Dowd penned a column in the New York Times about the joke, she wrote that McCain "is so revered by the press that his disgusting jape was largely nudged under the rug."
Source: Salon Newsreal

Editor's Note: This post points out the media's fascination with John McCain as a maverick when he demonstrates his true colors by his own admission.

Ron Paul Takes Silver In Louisiana;
McCain Likely Gold

Today, the Ron Paul presidential campaign calls on the Republican Party of Louisiana to count all the ballots submitted in the state’s January 22 caucus.

“The failure of the Louisiana GOP to properly determine who was and wasn’t eligible to vote threw this entire process into disarray,” said Ron Paul campaign manager Lew Moore. “The party needs to correct this mistake by counting all the votes immediately, and releasing the results.”
Source: Business Wire

Editor's Note: Paul bested Mitt Romney and left Huckabee and Giuliani (yet again) in the dust.

Ron Paul Exposes John McCain's Lies
At FoxNews Debate

Ron Paul Wins 2nd Place In Nevada;
Defeats McCain

The most interesting story out of Nevada was not Mitt Romney winning on the strength of near unanimous Mormon support. Or Hillary outgunning the union endorsements of Barrack Obama.

The story was the second place finish of Ron Paul....who beat out John McCain for second.
Source: North Denver News

Editor's Note: Paul's second was his best showing so far in the early state primaries. McCain has come back from the dead when the mainstream media insisted that Giuliani was the frontrunner. The GOP race is wide open!