During the Clinton Presidency, the Washington Post noted an apology from John McCain about his following joke:
"Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?
Because her father is Janet Reno."
Regardless of opinions on personal lifestyles, U.S. Senator McCain apparently found it funny to mock lesbianism and a young woman's physical looks, especially in front of a Republican crowd. This is the same man that claims to champion pro-family values.
McCain's tasteless joke was reported in major newspapers, so was the vain attempt by his press secretary to initially deny that McCain had done anything wrong. Several major newspapers, kept the joke itself a secret. When McCain subsequently apologized to President Clinton, the Washington Post, noted the apology but said the joke "was too vicious to print."
When Maureen Dowd penned a column in the New York Times about the joke, she wrote that McCain "is so revered by the press that his disgusting jape was largely nudged under the rug."
Salon NewsrealEditor's Note: This post points out the media's fascination with John McCain as a maverick when he demonstrates his true colors by his own admission.