Thursday, January 24, 2008

McCain Cites Abramoff in Debate;
Silent On Keating Five Scandal

Charles Keating was convicted of racketeering and fraud in both state and federal court after his Lincoln Savings & Loan collapsed, costing the taxpayers $3.4 billion. His convictions were overturned on technicalities.

Though he was not convicted of anything, McCain intervened on behalf of Charles Keating after Keating gave McCain at least $112,000 in contributions. In the mid-1980s, McCain made at least 9 trips on Keating's airplanes, and 3 of those were to Keating's luxurious retreat in the Bahamas. McCain's wife and father-in-law also were the largest investors (at $350,000) in a Keating shopping center; the Phoenix New Times called it a "sweetheart deal."

The House Banking Committee criticized John McCain among others for "questionable conduct."
Source: Wikipedia on "Keating Five"

Editor's Note: So let me get this right. McCain passes one of the biggest failures in Campaign Finance Reform called the "McCain-Feingold Act" which hampers free speech of groups like the NRA and the ACLU, but he himself made a special favor for a rich man that put campaign money in his own pocket? Were you paying attention, Arizona?

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